


出刊日期:June, 2022 / 點閱數:3889次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總 編 輯 的 話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 王漢英、胡均立 Han-Ying Wang, Jin-Li Hu A-0 226
2 國際淨零排放潮流下臺灣能源政策與產業發展」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Taiwan's Energy Policy and Industrial Development under the Trend of International Net Zero Emissions」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Editorial Department, Journal of Taiwan Energy B-0 407
3 減碳技術環境影響因子分析—以碳捕存為例 Analysis of Environmental Impact Factors of Carbon Reduction Technology : Carbon Capture and Storage 陳俊佑、呂慶慧、曾湘捷 Chun-Yu Chen, Joey Lu, Hsiang-Jey Tseng 107~122 500
4 日本污水污泥燃料化對脫碳社會之可行性評估 Feasibility Assessment of the Impact of Sewage Sludge Fuelization Process on Decarbonized Society in Japan 陳渂愃、大下和徹 Minhsuan Chen Kazuyuki Oshita 123~136 1020
5 提升靜電集塵器效率達到粒狀污染物個位數排放 Upgrading ESP Efficiency to Reach Single Digit Particulate Emission 蔡東昇、徐榮彬、許文馨 Tung-Sheng Tsai, Jung-Pin Hsu, Wen-Hsin Hsu 137~150 774
6 既有辦公建築近零耗能的策略與技術 Strategies and Technologies for Near-Zero Energy Consumption in Existing Office Buildings 李浩銓、江旭政、蘇梓靖 Hao-Chuan Lee, Hsu-Cheng Chiang, Tzu-Ching Su 151~165 786
7 大型固定式離岸風機及支撐結構模擬研析 Study on a Giant Fixed-bottom Offshore Wind Turbine with Support Structure Simulation 賴文政、林玉楚、黃金城 Wen-Jeng Lai, Yu-Chu Lin, Chin-Cheng Huang 167~180 569
8 歐盟碳關稅對臺灣企業之衝擊與因應-以鋼鐵業為例 The Impacts of EU Carbon Border Tax on Taiwanese Enterprises and Its Responses – Case Study of the Iron and Steel Industry 周麗芳、周宜雄、李堅明、王彬墀 Li-Fang Chou, Yi-Shyong Chou, Chien-Ming Lee, Pin-Chih Wang 181~202 2799