


出刊日期:December, 2019 / 點閱數:14276次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖, 胡均立 Yie-Zu Hu, Jin-Li Hu A-0 449
2 與中華臺北分享亞太經濟合作組織的原油及天然氣安全演練經驗 Sharing Experience of APEC Oil and Gas Security Exercises with Chinese Taipei Kazutomo IRIE Kazutomo IRIE 297-312 591
3 因應我國再生能源政策之儲能系統需求評估 Evaluation of Electrical Energy Storage Requirements for Renewable Energy Policy in Taiwan 陳中舜,張耀仁,卓金和 Chen Jong-Shun, Chang Yao-Jen, Cho Chin-Ho 313-334 2780
4 我國缺電風險之社會因子分析 Study on Social Factor Analysis of Power Shortage Risk in Taiwan 王京明 King-Min Wang 335-352 1949
5 電力收購制度以及再生能源發展基金對我國電力市場發展的影響 The Effects of the Feed-In-Tariff System and the Renewable Energy Development Fund on Taiwan’s Power Market 張民忠 Ming-Chung Chang 353-367 547
6 能源密集產業電力效率提升與電力節約之反彈 效果測定 Measurement of the Electricity Efficiency Improvement and Electricity Saving’s Rebound Effect on Energy-Intensive Industries 塗千慧,鄭睿合,梁啟源,林杏秋,林華偉 Chian-Huei Tu,Ruei-He Jheng,Chi-Yuan Liang,Hsin-Chiu Lin,Hua-Wei Lin 369-388 1239
7 再生能源消費與所得成長:附加價值貿易觀點 Renewable Energy Consumption-Income Nexus under Value Added Trade 林晉勗,葉承洋,張桂鳳,林師模 Jin-Xu Lin,Cheng-Yeng Yeh,Kuei-Feng Chang,Shih-Mo Lin 389-409 957
8 高所得經濟體提高電力中再生能源比例對經濟成長與碳排放之影響研究 The Impacts of Rising the Share of Renewable Energy in Electricity to Economic Growth and Carbon Emissions in High Income Economies 郭彥廉,蔡群立,郭哲銘 Yen-Lien Kuo,Chun-Li Tsai,Jhe-Ming Guo 411-424 558
9 中國汰役電池回收利用的推動現況與分析 Action Planning and Situation Analysis of Repurposing Battery Recovery and Application in China 鍾獻慶,鄭耀宗 Hsien-Ching Chung,Yaw-Chung Cheng 425-451 7112
10 資訊策略與家庭用戶的節電行為:基於智慧電錶的資訊回饋,以雙北公宅用戶為例 The Effect of Information Strategy on the Electricity-Saving Behavior of Households: An Empirical Analysis of Information Feedback to Public Housing in Taipei and New Taipei Cities 林容璟,蔡宗霖,蔡宗成,洪德芳,林志勳 Jung-Ching Lin,Tsung-Lin Tsai,Tzung-Cheng Tsai, Der-Fang Hung,Chih-Hsun Lin 453-471 919