


出刊日期:March, 2016 / 點閱數:5684次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總 編 輯 的 話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 胡耀祖 Yie-Zu Hu A-0 623
2 「永續低碳能源」專刊徵稿 Call for Paper to Special Issue on 「Sustainable Low Carbon Energy」 臺灣能源期刊 編輯部 Journal of Taiwan Energy, Editorial Department A-1 664
3 國際天然氣市場發展沿革及業務展望 International Natural Gas Market Development and Business Outlook 林聖忠 Sheng C. Lin 1-24 4985
4 再生能源發電設施設置之法律與跨部會協力研析: 以申設離岸式風力發電廠為例 The Legal Framework and Inter-Agency Coordination Analysis of Renewable Energy Development: an Example of Offshore Wind Facilities Construction Application 林瑞珠、陳韋名、沈政雄 Jui-Chu Lin, Wei-Ming Chen, Cheng-Hsiung Shen 25-39 3755
5 美國地熱能源法規與政策發展 Development of Geothermal Energy Regulation and Policy in the U.S. 蔡岳勳、蔡玉薰 Yueh-Hsun Tsai, Yu-Hsun Tsai 41-54 2993
6 臺灣風力發電與液流電池系統儲電情境模擬 Scenario Modeling of Wind Power with Flow Battery System for Energy Storage Application in Taiwan 謝錦隆、薛康琳、鍾岳霖、戴志揚 Chin-Lung Hsieh, Kan-Lin Hsueh, Yue-Lin Jhong, Chih-Yang Dai 55-78 4630
7 射出成形高模溫加熱製程技術能耗分析 Analysis of Energy Consumption in High Mold Temperature Injection Molding Process Technology 黃榮丞、王祥安、張志良、陳志豪 Rong-Cheng Huang, Siang-An Wang, Chih-Liang Chang, Chih-Hau Chen 79-87 4981
8 國內2004-2013年間經典氣象年之日射量調查分析 Solar Global Radiation Information of Taiwan in Terms of the Typical Meteorological Year between 2004 and 2013 張克勤、嚴偉倫、劉家維 Keh-Chin Chang, Wei-Lun Yen, Chia-Wei Liu 89-101 3050
9 R134a螺桿膨脹機ORC應用於低溫熱水發電及其 特性研究 Characteristics of R134a-ORC Applied in Heat Recovery of Hot Water 吳孟儒、王大維、徐菘蔚、黃金文 Meng-Ru Wu, Ta-Wei Wang, Sung-Wei Hsu, Jin-Wen Huang 103-116 2474
10 小型風力機之國際應用趨勢及其國內研發技術現況 The Global Application of Small Wind Turbine and Its Domestic Technology Development 鄭景木、林彥廷、蘇煒年、黃金城 Ching-Mu Cheng, Yan-Ting Lin, Wei-Nian Su, Chin-Cheng Huang 117-126 4417