


出刊日期:December, 2021 / 點閱數:4297次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 王人謙、胡均立 Ren-Chain Wang, Jin-Li Hu A~0 242
2 淨零轉型的知識與行動架構:臺灣知識社群研究圖像的檢視 The Knowledge-Action Framework for Net Zero Transitions: The Inquiry of Research Agenda and Gaps of Epistemic Communities in Taiwan 林子倫 、李宜卿 、周素卿 Tze-Luen Lin, Yi-Ching Lee, Sue-Ching Jou 297-316 2130
3 從綠建築到淨零碳排建築 智慧永續的未來城市 From Green Buildings to Net-Zero Buildings, How Can We Create a Sustainable City 黃一展 Jack Huang 317-328 2033
4 節能的多重效益 — 「新節電運動」經濟、環境與社會影響分析 Multiple Benefits of Energy Saving:The Economic, Environmental, and Social Effects of “New Electricity Saving Campaign” 蘇鈺雯 、林志勳、謝志強 Yu-Wen Su, Chih-Hsun Lin, Chin-Chiang Hsieh 329-340 1135
5 臺灣推動離岸風電對淨零碳排之影響 The Effects of Offshore Wind Power Promotion to Net-Zero Emissions in Taiwan 許智有、林江亮 Chih-Yu Hsu, Chiang-Liang Lin 341-356 1943
6 臺灣推動燃煤電廠進行二氧化碳捕獲利用與封存的挑戰與因應 Challenges and Responses of Taiwan's Promoting Coal-fired Power Plants to Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage 吳國禎、林瑞珠、楊秉純 Kuo-Chen Wu, Jui-Chu Lin, Bing-Chwen Yang 357-376 1458
7 空氣壓縮能源監測模組開發與應用案例 The Development of Air Compressor Energy Monitoring Module and Applications 陳俊漢、翁英哲、楊竣翔、沈宗福 Chun-Han Chen, Ying-Che Weng, Chun-Hsiang Yang, Tsung-Fu Shen 377-390 536
8 水泥業邁向淨零排放技術研析-以碳捕獲與利用技術為例 Technology Analysis for Cement Industry Towards Net Zero Emissions - Case of Carbon Capture and Use Technology 周宜雄、周麗芳、李堅明 Yi-Shyong Chou, Li-Fang Chou, Chien-Ming Lee 391-410 1126
9 太陽光電系統設計審查簡介 Introduction to the design inspection of Photovoltaic System 宋洪義、林育如、黃朝揚、林福銘 Hung-Yi Sung, Yuh-Ru Lin, Chao-Yang Huang, Fu-Ming Lin 411-420 5282
10 儲能於電力系統低碳化之貢獻與發展 Contribution and Development of Energy Storage System in a Low-carbon Power Grid 吳國賓、吳進忠、蔡昊廷、陳俊宇、梁佩芳 Gwo-Bin Wu, Chin-Chung Wu, Hao-Ting Tsai, Chun-Yu Chen, Pei-Fang Liang 421-440 1319