


出刊日期:December, 2024 / 點閱數:577次

編號 論文題目 作者 頁碼 下載次數
1 總編輯的話 Letter of Editor-in-Chief 劉志文、胡均立 Chih-Wen LIU, Jin-Li Hu A-0 13
2 從極端氣候到自然環境:企業ESG 導入TNFD方式與資訊揭露差異及挑戰 From Extreme Climate to Natural Environment: Differences and Challenges in ESG Implementation and Information Disclosure of TNFD by Companies 陳宥寧 范聿辰 王俊凱 You-Ning Chen, Yu-Chen Fan, Chun-Kai Wang 243-260 168
3 應用現代投資組合理論探討氣候變遷下臺灣陸域風機的配置 Exploring the Allocation of Onshore Wind Power Generation in Taiwan under Climate Change Using Modern Portfolio Theory 李淳弘 張雅琪 曾琬鈴 楊睿中 Chun-Hung Li, Ya-Chi Chang, Wan-Ling Tseng, Jui-Chung Yang 261-281 32
4 國際固體再生燃料標準的比較與策略展望 Comparison and Strategic Outlook of International Solid Recovered Fuel Standards 高銘謙 莊子賢 謝依芸 Dennis Kao, Tzu-Hsien Chuang, I-Yun Lisa Hsieh 283-304 30
5 國際高空風能發展趨勢與初期導入作法研析 Trends of International Airborne Wind Energy Developments and Challenges of Its Implementation in Taiwan 王衍襲 Yen-Hsi Wang 305-327 24
6 公車候車亭的綠色轉型:太陽能光電與儲能技術 的實踐與效益 Green Transformation of Bus Shelters: Implementation and Benefits of Solar Photovoltaic and Energy Storage Technologies 簡元璽 謝依芸 Yuan-Hsi Chien, I-Yun Lisa Hsieh 329-350 30
7 國際儲能案場汰役處置作法標竿分析 Benchmark Analysis of Decommissioning and Disposal Practices at International Energy Storage Systems 邱翎忻 呂學隆 Ling-Hsin Chiu, Hsueh-Lung Lu 351-365 20